our Vision:
"Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity, Inc., exists to be a fraternity that follows Jesus Christ in our commitment to change lives through men that love, serve, and make disciples."
Our Purpose:
The purpose of Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity, Inc. shall be to provide men with the spiritual and intellectual values for a successful academic and professional career, family, and life. This Fraternity is an educational and non-profit organization established to promote Christian leadership training through a variety of activities including, but not limited to the following: service projects, retreats, evangelical outreaches, and national, regional and local programs.
Our Mission:
"Producing Men who live and serve for Christ’s Sake"
Our Values:
We value TRANSFORMATION that produces authentic BROTHERHOOD, real ACCOUNTABILITY, stellar SCHOLARSHIP and genuine SERVANTHOOD.
Transformation – Real change in the heart of men that motivates a lifestyle of responsibility
Brotherhood – Devotion to one another for the sake of a common bond
Servanthood – Humbly meeting the real needs of people through deliberate engagement
Accountability – Living with integrity through consistent, transparent communication
Scholarship – Commitment to excel in Lifelong Learning
Our Strategy:
Our Mission Measures:
We INVEST Time & Resources
We TEACH Biblical Truth
We SHAPE men towards maturity
We BUILD lasting relationship