Thank you for your interest in starting a chapter of Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity, Inc. We are excited to begin this journey with you and it's a process that does not happen overnight. As you consider starting a chapter chapter of G Phi D, we ask that you pray about it. We are interested in men who understand our vision, mission, and values and are willing to uphold and support those principles. Although the process of starting a chapter, or what we refer it to as Colonization and Chartering Process, can be challenging, the results are rewarding. Below are some general points to help you understand how our Colonization and Chartering Process works.
For additional information to start your colonization and chartering process of a G Phi D chapter, please get in touch with us through the "Contact Us" form.
What is a colony and how does it function?
Colonization is the first stage of chartering a chapter. Men who wish to pursue membership on any campus that does not have an active collegiate chapter, in any city that does not have an active alumni chapter, or plan to revitalize any inactive chapter must first fulfill the requirements of the Colonization process before a charter can be issued or a chapter can be revitalized. The colony elects officers, holds regular meetings, and performs local projects which are consistent with the vision, mission, and values of Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity, Inc. as it works towards receiving its charter or reactivation status.
Why colonization as opposed to immediate charter?
Rather than attempting to speed through the chartering process to accrue as many chapters and members as quickly as possible, colonization provides an opportunity for us to properly instruct potential chapters on how to successfully operate once they’re granted full chapter status. The new chapter will not only have developed in organizing programs, themselves, growing membership, fundraising, and brotherhood, but will also have gained first-hand experience in each area of chapter activity. The colony program provides all the tools necessary to transform the colony into a successful chapter of Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity, Inc.
Can any higher education institution host a colony?
It is the policy of Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity, Inc. to charter chapters on physical campuses of accredited four-year institutions. As such, we do not plant colonies or chapters on “e-campuses” or non-accredited schools.
How do men interested in membership with Gamma Phi Delta Christian Fraternity, Inc. officially become a colony?
Men interested in colonization must submit a formal request to colonize. This request will include a Letter of Intent (why the men wish to form a colony) signed by at least three (3) men interested in membership, a Colony Application and the application fee. These men must also apply for membership with the Fraternity and fulfill all membership requirements before a colony can be established.
What happens if someone wants to join the colony later in the process?
The colony is encouraged to continue to recruit new members. While it is preferable for reasons of building a bond of brotherhood and cooperation to have all colony members involved from the start, the benefits of bringing new members into the colony far outweigh any negatives. The colony can bring in new colony members while completing the requirements of the Colony and Chartering Process but is not allowed to have any more than one line per semester.